Kyoko Hashimoto Masterclasses
Ms Hashimoto is a dedicated teacher and greatly appreciated by her students. She taught for 12 years in the piano and chamber music faculties of the Utrecht Conservatory in Holland and was a frequent visiting professor at the European Mozart Academy. Beside her post as Professor of Piano and Chair of Piano Area at the Schulich School of Music, McGill University, her Summer School (the International Music Workshop and Festival) and her annual Collaborative Piano class in the Castleman Quartet Program in Fredonia, NY State, she is in demand for masterclasses throughout the world. In her youth Ms Hashimoto studied violin as well as piano and more violinists than pianists participated in her masterclass in Japan in summer 2013. Their most frequent question was when she would be coming back! Ms Hashimoto has studied ten languages and currently speaks "5.3".
"Professor Hashimoto is the ideal teacher — unflaggingly demanding yet encouraging, serious yet whimsical, utterly brilliant yet down-to-earth. She is a real inspiration"
Dora Hayley, participant in IMWAF 2008
Enquiries about arranging a masterclass can also be addressed to Professor Hashimoto directly: [email protected]
next masterclasses:
24th October 2022
Sibelius Academy
Helsinki, Finland
recent masterclasses:
11th October 2022
Wells Cathedral School
Somerset, UK
10th October 2022
Guildhall School of Music
London, UK
am solo piano masterclass, pm chamber music masterclass
1st - 15th August 2022
IMWAF 2022
Kirchberg-an-der-Jagst, Germany
17th - 24th July 2022
Castlemann Quartet Program
Fredonia, New York State, US
2nd July 2022
Maestrora Music Academy
Tokyo, Japan